Monday, June 30, 2008

Newt Checks In

Newt didn't manage to clock a lot of miles this past week. I had hopes and dreams of walking during lunches. But lunches in and of themselves were just that, a hope. Dang work............
Anywhoodle, here's what I managed:

Steps: 60,981
Miles: 23.06

I have got to get walking more. Sigh...................I have to be in Texas next week. And I hear that most people walk to the office from the hotel. And of course when I fly out of MSP my plane is always at the 9th gate of hell. Which means that walk should be a mile or three :-)

So yippee! I am going to get the chance to walk a LOT next week. This week, Oh, I'm working on it...........


Abbee Normalle said...

I hope the weather cooperates with the walking efforts in Tex-Ass. Keep up the walking! I added you to my blog page and even made a contribution. Have you started creating iPod playlists for your walks?

Jay said...

Keep up the good work! You've walked quite a few miles already!