Monday, June 30, 2008

Newt Checks In

Newt didn't manage to clock a lot of miles this past week. I had hopes and dreams of walking during lunches. But lunches in and of themselves were just that, a hope. Dang work............
Anywhoodle, here's what I managed:

Steps: 60,981
Miles: 23.06

I have got to get walking more. Sigh...................I have to be in Texas next week. And I hear that most people walk to the office from the hotel. And of course when I fly out of MSP my plane is always at the 9th gate of hell. Which means that walk should be a mile or three :-)

So yippee! I am going to get the chance to walk a LOT next week. This week, Oh, I'm working on it...........

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gotta Love the Mall - Newt and Daisy put on the miles

Shoe shopping has it's advantages. We clocked 2 miles just shoe shopping today! Ok, so it was way more than shoe shopping, but it involved shoes.

Between a busy day at work and shopping with One Daisy I clocked 13, 283 steps and still counting for Thursday!

That's 5.03 miles. And I'm not done yet for the day!

Sweet. I mean, shoe shopping alone is fabulous, but add to it that we are raising money for MS and it's''s.............shoegasmic!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's day 6 and I am proud to say that my pedometer is securely affixed to an outer article of clothing. On Monday I did 2.77 miles and Tuesday was 3.35 miles. I have been nursing an infection and have spent far too much time on the couch or in bed. But as of Monday, life resumes to the normal ass beatings I get from the personal trainer. That means at least 2 miles a day working out. Body be damned for not just maintaining without having to go through such abuse!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Daisy needed a little help

After reading Newts post below, I didn't feel so bad. I hooked up the pedometer on Friday and thought I had it all under control. I have realized that my "steps" are off a little but I believe it's getting the right idea. Then I completely forgot to hook myself up on Saturday. Sunday I wore a dress, which made for an interesting way of wearing the pedometer. Now, it wasn't too bad until I was walking through the gas station and the little gadget fell off it's stationary point and slid across the floor. In true "lady" fashion, I picked up the pedometer, hid at the end of an isle, hicked up my dress and retached the devise. When I got home last night, I realized that somehow my recording has changed from Miles to Steps. I did a little over 2 miles on friday and did over 3000 steps yesterday. (I was laying on the dock most of the day) As of 10am CST today, I have 1,831 steps. I'm excited to see how many miles/steps the two of us actually log over the next few months.

Thanks to everyone that has donated!

Slow Start for Newt

So, first I get a big "BOOOOOO"ing for having played around with the pedometer I bought way ahead of the game. Because once I figured out how to set it up I put it somewhere very safe. And you know what happens when things get put away in safe places...........So, thanks to having to clean out and move my book shelves I noticed a few books in my favorites collection where missing. One of them I knew was on the china hutch. SO I ran downstairs and grabbed it. And low and behold, damn if the pedometer wasn't in a bowl under the book. See, things happen for a reason. I haven't organized or cleaned up my book piles in months, but it was getting to the point where I HAD to do something, so I finally did and that lead to finding the one gadget I desperately need for a proper fancy feet kick off!

Newt logged only 3.2 miles this weekend. I hang my head in shame. But the nature of my weekend didn't allow for much activity. Sigh.............But never fear, I have all summer long to walk like crazy!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Walk for a cause

So here is the scoop:

Newt and OneDaisy - two major shoe whores were sitting around one day (in the shoe store of course) surrounded by beautiful pumps, sandals, peek-a-boo's. And we both thought, gee, wouldn't it be cool to have an excuse to buy a brand new pair of sneakers? I mean, we always can find an excuse to buy pumps or sandals, color, style, heal, etc.... But sneakers? It's hard to justify when you have a perfectly good pair or 4 at home. But then we thought: But what if we had a really good reason to need to walk A LOT! Then we could say, well if we have to walk A LOT then we would need several pairs so that we didn't wear our only pair or 4 out. And so they wouldn't get smelly, sweaty......'

And then it hit us like a flying shoe box: Why don't we walk for a cause?

So Newt and OneDaisy came up with Walk the Summer for MS!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the shoe whores are going to walk the summer away and hopefully raise a little money.

So, what do you say?

Who wants to sponsor us?

By the mile, or one big (or small) chunk? We figure we will average 2-4 miles daily. So around 200-400 miles each. Unless of course we are REALLY ambitious. So if you said a dime a mile you would be looking at about 20 bucks. If you wanted to sponsor us by the mile you could also give us a max. mile you will sponsor. So, if you said 50 cents a mile with a max of 200 miles that would work too. We won't stop walking but we won't ask you to donate more :-)

All and we mean ALL donations will go to MS research. We have a dearly loved fellow blogger that has MS and we would like to walk in honor of her.

We will be walking from the first day of summer to the last day of summer. And posting every Monday where we are at.

Progress, etc. will be posted as soon as we figure out the software that came with the pedometers.

We have added a widget on the left side that allows you to donate through PayPal. We promise full disclosure on all transactional information so you guys know we really give the money to MS.

More to come!